Constitution of Formosa

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The following is a(n incomplete) reproduction of the official English-language text of the Third Constitution of Formosa, as ratified in 2001-02.

Preamble[edit | edit source]

We the people of Formosa, in the exercise of our right to self-determination and our responsibility before history;

Driven by the need and the will to safeguard our independence, organize our affairs and consolidate the unity of our nation;

Determined to create a lawful state in which the individual and collective freedom enjoy inviolable guarantees and effectiveness;

Declaring solemnly our affirmation and commitment to LIBERTY, UNITY AND PROSPERITY for all the peoples of Formosa, irrespective of race, language or creed;

Standing in close soldarity with the African peoples and in spirit of friendship with all the peoples of the world;

Do hereby adopy the following CONSTITUTION.

Chapter I - OF THE STATE AND ITS CITIZENS[edit | edit source]

Article I.

  • i. Formosa is hereby established as a sovereign, indivisible, social, democratic, independent, republican, unitary and pluralistic state.
  • ii. The official appelation of the state shall be: THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF FORMOSA.
  • iii. The capital of the state shall be Acua.
  • iv. The official languages of the state are Spanish, Portuguese and Aranese. The use of traditional languages shall in addition be respected, fostered and not promoted.

Article II.

  • i. The national sovereignty belongs to the Formosan people, from whom emanate the powers of the state, who shall exercise said power in the form and within the limits of the Constitution.
  • ii. The election of the representatives of the people of Formosa will be by universal suffrage.
  • iii. The duties of the authorities responsible for the governance and management of the state shall be determined by the supreme law of Formosa, which shall be this Constitution. Any other law found to be inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.

Article III.

  • i. The Democratic Republic of Formosa, and all laws and representatives thereof, shall foster, preserve, protect and strengthen:
    • a. The equality of all individuals before the law;
    • b. The economic, social and political development of its peoples;
    • c. The security of all its nationals, irrespective of race, language or creed.
  • ii. Further, the Democratic Republic of Formosa, and all laws and representatives thereof, recognizes the following as rights fundamental and inalienable to the all the peoples of Formosa:
    • a. The rights and liberties of all human beings, as included in the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man;
    • b. The freedom of conscience;
    • c. The freedom of religion;
    • d. The freedom of association;
    • e. The freedom of assembly;
    • f. The freedom of speech;
    • g. The freedom of residence and domicile;
    • h. The right of ownership;
    • i. The right to education;
    • j. The right to employment or unemployment of one's own choosing;
    • k. The right to suitable working conditions reflective of human decency.
  • iii. All acts of racial, ethnic or religious discrimination, or any attempts against the internal or external security of the state, or its territorial integrity, or the guarantees accorded to the people of Formosa by this document, shall be punished by the law.
  • iv. All the nationals of Formosa who have reached the age of majority are entitled to vote and are eligible under the conditions specified by the law.
  • v. Those born within the sovereign territory of Formosa, to at least one parent who is a national of Formosa, or who is a foundling or orphan with no discernible evidence as to the nationality or identity of parentage, or who is born within Formosa and otherwise stateless, shall be considered citizens of Formosa, save and except the children of those who are in Formosa in the service of their government, who may elect to take Formosan citizenship if they so choose upon the age of majority.
  • vi. No person of Formosan nationality may be deprived of that nationality.
  • vii. Formosan persons attain the age of majority at 18.

Article IV.

  • i. Political parties are the expression of political pluralism. They contribute to the formation and expression of the will of the people of Formosa and are fundamental in enabling political participation. As such, provided their activities respect the Constitution and the law,
    • a. The right to form a political party shall not be infringed;
    • b. The right to join a political party shall not be infringed;
    • c. The structure and operation of a political party must be democratic.
  • ii. The right to creation of a trade union or employers association, and the exercise of their activities, shall not be restricted insofar as their activities respect the Constitution and the law. Their structure and operation must be democratic.

Article V.

  • i. All citizens and public authorities of Formosa are bound by the Constitution of Formosa and all its legal provisions.
  • ii. Public authorities are bound by duty to this Constitution to promote conditions in which the freedom and equality of individuals and the groups to which they belong may be real and effective, and remove the obstacles which prevent or hinder their full participation in political, economic, cultural and social life.